Pest Control

Pests can be stopped in their tracks with the right mesh. However, different pests necessitate the use of different meshes. So, it’s important that you select the right mesh for the job. This page of information is intended to help you choose the right mesh. It explains what the differences are between the following products that we sell:

Below, we have outlined the properties of some commonly employed meshes. These include mesh to prevent the passage of rodents (both rats and mice), insects (including specifically midges) and for use in beekeeping applications. Of note, much of the information below has been advised to us by the British Pest Control Association (BPCA).

Rodent Mesh (rats and mice)Rat mesh

Firstly, it is very important to note that rodent mesh is not the same as insect mesh. These meshes are not interchangeable. Rodent mesh is relatively much tougher. Rat mesh and mouse mesh is also more expensive because it contains more metal. Conversely, insect mesh is cheaper, lighter, is woven with fine wires and has much smaller holes. Rats and mice will gnaw through insect mesh with ease.

Rat Mesh

Mesh that is used to prevent the passage of rats must be woven with a wire tough enough to stop them chewing through it. This is material dependent. For example, galvanised steel is softer than stainless steel; therefore, rats find chewing galvanised steel far easier. Typically, stainless steel wire with a diameter of 0.56 mm (or greater) is considered thick enough to stop rats. Galvanised wire of this thickness is probably too easily chewed. Rat mesh should always have a stainless steel wire diameter of 0.56 mm minimum.

Mouse Mesh

Mice can fit through surprisingly small spaces. As such, we recommend mesh that has a hole size no greater than 6 mm x 6 mm. As a general rule of thumb, if you can get a biro through a hole a mouse can fit through too. If you’re not looking to stop rats and mice are the only concern then our galvanised mouse mesh will likely do the job. This can be bought in our online shop here. Mouse mesh should always have a maximum hole size of 6 mm x 6mm.

If you combine the rat mesh and mouse mesh requirements discussed above you have a rodent mesh that will prevent the passage of both rats and mice. This mesh would have a stainless steel wire of minimum 0.56 mm wire diameter and a hole size no more than 6 mm x 6 mm. We have selected 3 rodent meshes (4, 8 and 12 mesh*) that have these properties, which you can find listed in our online shop rodent category. They vary not only by price but other properties too. The ’12 mesh’ woven with a 0.56 mm diameter wire is the most flexible and easiest to cut. Conversely, the ‘4 mesh’ woven with a 1.2 mm diameter wire is the toughest and most rigid but can be trickier to cut. We recommend tin snips for cutting rodent mesh or, for the competent only, an angle grinder works like a knife through butter!

*denotes the mesh count, i.e. the number of holes per lineal inch

Insect Mesh

As mentioned above, insect message is not suitable for use a rodent mesh. Yes, it’s cheaper, which is attractive, but you’ll be throwing your money away. Insect mesh is cheaper than rodent mesh because it is woven with a relatively fine wire. As such, there’s not so much metal in it, which reduces costs. However, the thin wires also make it easier for rats and mice to chew through. Of note, in addition to insect mesh made from stainless steel, we also sell PVC-coated fibreglass insect mesh. The difference between the two materials is subtle. Both are durable and effective insect barriers. However, they differ in open area, colour and by cost. The black fibreglass mesh is slightly cheaper but has an open area 7% less than stainless steel, which might be an important consideration where ventilation is a factor.

Standard insect mesh (aka fly mesh or flymesh) has a hole size of 1.36 mm x 1.36 mm. This is small enough to stop the vast majority of unwanted insects, including flies, mosquitoes, wasps and bees. Insect mesh is available to buy in our online shop insect mesh category.

Soffit Vent Mesh

We sell standard insect mesh in various widths. The narrower width rolls (50 mm to 400 mm) we describe as soffit vent mesh or simply soffit mesh. Regardless of the name, this mesh is identical to standard insect mesh. Soffit vent mesh is available to buy in our online shop soffit mesh category.

Midge Mesh

Midges are a particular problem during the summer months, along the West coast of Scotland. They are relatively very small and can easily pass through the holes of a standard insect mesh. Therefore, if you’re looking to hold back these biting insects then you need a mesh with an appropriate hole size. We sell just the thing: ‘Midge Mesh’.

Beekeeping (Varroa) mesh

The Varroa mite is a parasite that can live on honey bees. Their control can be aided by the installation of a mesh floor panel. Mites that fall off a bee and through the mesh at the bottom of the hive are unable to climb back up and parasitise another bee. The open mesh floor also enables better air circulation. In addition, this is an environmentally friendly way of control as no chemicals are involved. The key to this approach is selecting the right mesh. It must have a hole size big enough to let the mites fall through and small enough to prevent the bees passing through. We sell suitable mesh in our online-shop beekeeping (Varroa) mesh category.


We hope this helps you choose with confidence the right mesh. However, if you wish to discuss your requirements please feel free to get in touch. You are welcome to phone us on 01782 412521. Alternatively, please make use of our contact page.